The state of illiteracy in Nigeria is becoming appalling. Irrespective of the constant efforts of the government to improve education, there is still a setback. According to the statistics provided by The National Commission for Mass Literacy Adult and Non-Formal Education, it is revealed that 38% of Nigerians are unschooled. Additionally, 4 in 10 primary school children can’t read for comprehension.
The current generation of Nigerians in existence only engages on social media platforms. Similarly, they spend their time with their electronic gadgets. According to Techpoibt Africa, these young individuals only engage in silly and fun conversations. However, these only appear to be adding up to their knowledge yet they are empty.
According to research done by the World Culture Statistics in 2020, it was realized that Nigeria was ranked one of the lowest countries in terms of reading. As alarming as the ranking appears, some people believe that in 4 years’ time which would be (2024), Nigeria’s ranking would further decrease.
However, what is fueling Nigeria’s poor ranking due to poor reading culture is caused by the use of technology. The youth spend their time on social media and are unwilling to read to get knowledge and improve their vocabulary.

Education enthusiasts have warned that poor reading culture is depriving the younger generation. This depravation is not going to allow them to grow up of becoming well-mannered and cultured individuals. This also limits their ability to think critically and analytically.
A good reading culture has benefits such as improving the attention span and focus of individuals. Another importance is helping individuals better understand the world around us. Additionally, it helps in furnishing the reader with critical life skills. According to experts, reading also creates opportunities for people of all ages. Reading also allows people come together and explore new ideas and it improves expression through writing.
Some research conducted proved that the state of illiteracy in Nigeria is as a result of the youth engaging in social media. Low reading is associated with the poor education system in Nigeria. However, some experts say all the blame should not be placed on only youths and the education system but the parent factor should also be considered.
In every home, socialization starts from the home where parents as the first agents of socialization. Parents who refuse to socialize and introduce their kids to the habit of reading are also guilty. Guilty in the sense that, they did not put their children’s feet on the path of reading as a form of leisure. Parents and the home environment are essential in fostering a love of reading.
Looking at the current economic condition in Nigeria, it would be difficult make reading a habit. Most people are thinking about how to make their lives better. However, they believe that improving Nigeria’s reading culture is a sacrifice they should all be willing to make. Reading not only adds to knowledge but allows for a better society.
By; Maame Esi Kesewaa