Saturday , April 20 2024


A good deed said by Prophet Mohammed is one that brings a smile of joy to the face of another. Fellow Ghanaians, be wise.

When do our so called politicians try to put a smile of joy on our faces if not time for election? What a disgrace to humanity!

This time round, it is not tears of joy but of sorrow when gun shots and fighting is taking place at registration centres.

What a disgrace to our democracy!

Fellow Ghanaians, this absurd behavior by politicians and individuals needs to be stopped.

If this is not done now, then it will act as a canker-worm which will eat into the fabric of our elections and democracy.

Fellow Ghanaians, don’t let any selfish and wicked politician use you as a tool for political gains and selfish ambitions.

Life, fellow Ghanaians, is hard but harder for many when living in darkness.

Where does the light comes from and where do we find our strengths?

Our strength comes from fighting for our rights.

Telling our politicians we know our right and will fight for our right.

Fellow Ghanaians, don’t be a wise-fool this election,be wise, being NPP or NDC or any political party at all.

Don’t let any useless and selfish politician lure you into doing something absurd this election, hunger and thirst for any political party cause you more harm than good.Moreover never trust a politician.

I pray that this election will be extremely colorful and welcoming. When they do then this election will be historic and unprecedented.

It is unprecedented because we have a sitting president and a former president contesting, this has never happened in the history of Ghana.

Fellow Ghanaians,  remember not to be flooding everywhere with partycolours.

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